Why do I always do my posts in the morning? Especially now, in Spring Break. Oh, I'm scared I might forget about it....
Anyways, I woke up to wash my face and gasped at how much my pimples had cleared over the break. Well, duh there's still alot more clearing up to go, but all the small ones had finally vanished! I was so happy I did a little happy dance (like I did when I got my jeans) and scrubbed the bar of facial soap until it was foamy and washed my face. I reached out for my towel and noticed that it smelled. Like really smelled. I groaned. Yup, this was my sister using my towel again. I always felt that whenever I share stuff with my sister, it always seemed to end up like an untidy heap.
Luckly I had my own room and I'm not that much of a tidy person either (just look at my room and you'll see). I went into the hall and opened the wardrobe of towels and grabbed a nice fluffy one--which is my favorite--and patted my wet face (never EVER scrub your face with a towel-trust me I know).
Honestly, I go trough the same things as everyone else but why? Why is there pimples on me? It's not like I have any stress or anything but my pimples are really stressing me out. I dont know why I'm writing a post about my pimples but my fingers seem to just drag themselves around the key board and do all the tapping. That's another weird thing about me (I seem to have alot) I always have a sudden urge to do something. Like the other day I had a very strong urge to eat KFC. And just yesterday I was craving for cheese burgers. And if you think about it, they're not very healthy are they?
Oh, well. I probably have to finish up thins post or my computer will shut down (low battery.).
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