"Don't forget you promised to help me put my contact lenses on!" I reminded my dad. He nodded and carried on with our porridge. After breakfast, I grabbed my contact lenses and headed to my parent's bathroom with my contact lenses.
"Okay, just wet your fingers just abit! And hold your eyelid up and slowly put it in" my dad instructed. I rolled my eyes, my dad had a habit to shout whenever we are doing something important. I held the contact lenses on the tiniest amount of skin and opened me eyes as wide as it could go, flipped my eyelid. I put the contact lenses in my eye. My dad shouted with joy. Gosh! He doesn't have to sound that surprised!! I did the same with the other eye, except it took me 2 go's. Everything felt clear once again, just like it did the first time. I blinked quickly and my cheeks were soon wet.
"Okay, thanks" I quickly said to my dad before he made me practice again.
I got to school, later than usual (my bus came very late recently). I told my friends who were very excited for me and I felt glad they were my friends.
It was lunch time and Mae and I were discussing contact lenses. An announcement came and everyone shushed eachother. We were going home! Thank god this Thursday was good. Or I might've just have started a tantrum.
It was a good day for me as well. I got a lot of work done and I took a midday nap. There is nothing as good as a midday nap!