Wednesday, March 31, 2010
My last slice, last days 'til school.
Hair brush, flip-flops, book.
Gathering my things, can't wait!
What else to pack? What to bring?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
My "Boring" Day

I grabbed my hand bag and fastened my NEW shoes and waited for my mom. We were going SHOPPING. We of course, didnt have a car (since my mom can't drive) so we walked to Paitilla to return the DVD's that we borrowed and got a taxi and went straight to MultiPlaza. I honestly felt good today. Except for the fact that the taxi driver was laughing out of the blue every so often.
We were stuck in traffic and the taxi driver laughed...again. Okay, if that taxi driver laughs one more time I swear I will THROTTLE him. So, we finally got to MultiPlaza (after resisting to throttle him for 10 minutes. We headed into the cool mall to find almost half the shops empty. But we did our shopping anyways.
"Oooh! Look! Women's Secret is open!" I said excitedly and drag my mom inside. I look around the dim-lit room and found the pouch I was looking for! I grab it as if someone was going to take it any minute now and held it in my arms. The last time I had come here there were only big pouches but now I finally found it!
I look at my mom for "approval" and after she nodded, I got out my wallet and hand $15 to the cashier person. I say thanks and clutch the plastic bags in my hands, not wanting to let go until I get home.
So, anyways, this day may seem boring to you but trust me, you could never shop like I just did with my sister moaning every step you take!
Gosh, now I can't wait to get to school and use it!!! See you all there!!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Odd Habits

Why do I always do my posts in the morning? Especially now, in Spring Break. Oh, I'm scared I might forget about it....
Anyways, I woke up to wash my face and gasped at how much my pimples had cleared over the break. Well, duh there's still alot more clearing up to go, but all the small ones had finally vanished! I was so happy I did a little happy dance (like I did when I got my jeans) and scrubbed the bar of facial soap until it was foamy and washed my face. I reached out for my towel and noticed that it smelled. Like really smelled. I groaned. Yup, this was my sister using my towel again. I always felt that whenever I share stuff with my sister, it always seemed to end up like an untidy heap.
Luckly I had my own room and I'm not that much of a tidy person either (just look at my room and you'll see). I went into the hall and opened the wardrobe of towels and grabbed a nice fluffy one--which is my favorite--and patted my wet face (never EVER scrub your face with a towel-trust me I know).
Honestly, I go trough the same things as everyone else but why? Why is there pimples on me? It's not like I have any stress or anything but my pimples are really stressing me out. I dont know why I'm writing a post about my pimples but my fingers seem to just drag themselves around the key board and do all the tapping. That's another weird thing about me (I seem to have alot) I always have a sudden urge to do something. Like the other day I had a very strong urge to eat KFC. And just yesterday I was craving for cheese burgers. And if you think about it, they're not very healthy are they?
Oh, well. I probably have to finish up thins post or my computer will shut down (low battery.).
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Getting Fit

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Cutting Back

Friday, March 26, 2010
A Bestfriend...

Nathalie, what happens when you find yourself, lost? Do you wander around like a blind man? Or do you sit there and wait? What if you even cry out? Into the darkness where it's no point crying.
I sit in the crowded media center. Like every month. I'm scared when the teacher tells us about friendship. Leaning back on the cushion. My chin rested on my knees. What do I do? I'm lost, I feel like I'm isolating myself.
The sky is bright and so blue like you'll never see in Thailand. The sunlight pours in through the windows, like honey being poured onto like it was something to treasure. The teacher asks: What does a friend do?
I wonder. I wonder. Does it leave a friend behind with no address or information? Does it lie and make the other friend feel bad? No Nathalie, I wasn't a good friend.
Everyday, I wake up, dropping the slippery facial soap. Or wearing my shirt inside out. Or saying "Hi" to my friends and sitting down next to them. Where are you in those days? What are you doing? Do you laugh at the top of your lungs with your new best friends? These questions lead me no where. But at least I know I'm thinking of you.
I realized as I am typing this. That my sort of best friends is always there for you, even if it meant holding up a huge party they were hosting. A best friend tells you the truth no matter what. A best friend makes you laugh through the toughest times. And we want more and get greedy, we tell them to fix their attitude. We tell them to change their personality. No, I wasn't a good friend to you Nathalie.
Best friends cherish their friends, while they can. And that's what I'll do.
I stare out at the wet, rain-washed, shimmery sun. And think of you. Who was always there for me. Who always told me the truth no matter what. Who made me laugh through the toughest times. I miss you Nat. That's all I've got to say, and yet you will cherish it.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
No Pain, No Gain

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Me? Obsessive?? No Way!

I stretched my legs slowly, as I got out of my bed. Oh, it's Wednesday. I keep thinking it's Friday when it's not. At least this week's the last week until Spring break. I dragged myself into the bathroom and got washed up. I was getting a pretty good grade so far, but whenever a teacher showed me my grade I always had this disappointment piling in me. Even though its a pretty good-looking "B", I still wished I got something better.
I haven't been here for so long, but I've seen enough "B's" to last me a life time. I get this nagging feeling, like I did this morning, and it keeps asking "Which college? Which college?", I know people don't think about that often. I don't either. Occasionally, yeah, I do. Other times, I'm like anyone else. Whether the nagging feeling is telling me to get into a good college or I'm getting fat. Either way, every minute of the day effects my future. My old friends told me I was too paranoid. I still talk to them today, telling them that I keep stressing over those sort of things like college and weight. It's stupid, it's obsessive, it's crazy.
Anyways, I reached the dining table, and last nights' homework was sitting on there, half-done. No one seemed to notice, I dropped it into my bag and carried on munching on an apple. I've eaten 2 pieces of chocolate this week, which was really a waste because all the suffering of no chocolate for almost 5 months seemed to go into the trash every bite I took. I know, obsessive. My diet starts tomorrow, I'm going to really study next quarter. Call me an obsessive freak but I care more about the future then I do now.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Best Day...Not

Monday, March 22, 2010
Pitter, Patter...

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Best Weekend EVER

A burst of laughter filled the entire bedroom as Nysha and I stared at my tiny blackberry screen. We were texting Violeta, making weird jokes. I pressed send as my message wizzed off to some power line. The bed shook as we laughed like crazy.
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010
I Cant Wait

"Go make yourself a nice bowl of soup" she suggested, I mumbled. "How about yoghurt?" I mumbled again. "Just go make yourself pancakes!" she said finally. Ding, ding, ding, ding, DING! We have a winner! I thought to myself sarcastically as I headed to the kitchen and pulled the old box of pancake mix and a frying pan out. I poured the result of water and powdery sruff onto the frying pan and made myself pancakes.
"I want one too!" my mom called from the living room. I made her one and carried the rest outside. I got back to my computer and signed in on MSN, hoping to find someone to talk to. Violeta thank god she was online. We talked for like 5 minutes and now here I am, munching on my pancake, writing my S.O.L, trying to figure out how to do my homework and waiting for Nysha to get online. I hope tomorrow will be worth my weekend! I cant wait!
Great, I sound like some spoilt brat don't I? Oh, well. Like it matters in black and white.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Best Thursday EVER

"Don't forget you promised to help me put my contact lenses on!" I reminded my dad. He nodded and carried on with our porridge. After breakfast, I grabbed my contact lenses and headed to my parent's bathroom with my contact lenses.
"Okay, just wet your fingers just abit! And hold your eyelid up and slowly put it in" my dad instructed. I rolled my eyes, my dad had a habit to shout whenever we are doing something important. I held the contact lenses on the tiniest amount of skin and opened me eyes as wide as it could go, flipped my eyelid. I put the contact lenses in my eye. My dad shouted with joy. Gosh! He doesn't have to sound that surprised!! I did the same with the other eye, except it took me 2 go's. Everything felt clear once again, just like it did the first time. I blinked quickly and my cheeks were soon wet.
"Okay, thanks" I quickly said to my dad before he made me practice again.
I got to school, later than usual (my bus came very late recently). I told my friends who were very excited for me and I felt glad they were my friends.
It was lunch time and Mae and I were discussing contact lenses. An announcement came and everyone shushed eachother. We were going home! Thank god this Thursday was good. Or I might've just have started a tantrum.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Just A Joke

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010
Bored & Tired...Couldn't Get Worse

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010
You Are What You Wear

Friday, March 12, 2010
What's So Great About Friday?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I sat at the dining table, still trying to wake up. I took a bite of my toast and put it back on my plate. I knew I was going to be hungry with only one bite of toast but I didn't really care. I did all the normal things that everyone does every morning, like filling the ice-cube trays and get washed and everything. Once I was done with all that, I got out my personal notebook-a pink and red notebook with shoes decorated on every page. I wondered what I was doing with this. Oh, my list! Right. I definitely needed to go shopping (every girl does). But I haven't gone to the mall for quite a long time, let alone look into shops. Usually this was because my darling sister will often hiss threats of hiding my favorite books if I didn't hurry up, while my mom will be urging me to got to half the shops in the mall.
I made a list of things that need to be desperately bought-skinny jeans, shirts, face lotion, shoes, pencil case, school bag, nail polish and a watch. I told my mom about my desperate needs and she told me I should go shopping. I remembered the promise that my dad had made before he left to Mexico. He promised to buy me contact lenses after I had complained about my glasses for over a week. I explained this to my mom, (after she found "contact lenses" in brackets) she stubbornly refused to let "a little girl" like me to get them. I argued that lots of "little girls" like me wear them. She also unnecessarily added that "little girls" like me shouldn't talk back. I was getting irritated and I wanted to be left alone. Just because I brought up contact lenses, doesn't mean she has to go straight into a long and tiring discussion. NOT compose a a novel. She remained stubborn and this made the rest of the day dreadful after I had put her in a bad mood.
I told my sister and she agreed with my mom. (She was probably jealous). I avoided getting into the discussion again as she gave me little glares once in a while. I probably should leave the issues alone... until my dad gets back at least....
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Girls Who Hate Sports

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The "Walking Snowman"

Monday, March 8, 2010

I yawned and woke up confused. Ooh! Monday, of course. I quickly made my bed still moaning about today being Monday. I washed my face with apricot face scrub-each scrub feeling my tiredness and wishing I slept earlier the other night. I got some breakfast down my throat and did all the normal everyday things. I was packing my cell phone in my bag. I gasped. I swore I saw someone standing right next to me. I looked over my shoulder, yanked open my wardrobe, peeked under my bed and looked everywhere. I didn't see anyone. I must have been daydreaming, it was Monday. We went on the bus and I looked out the window, listening to my favorite songs on my ipod. I yelped. I swore to myself that I saw someone standing in the woods. I blinked my eyes, trying to stop them from going into my daydream mode. I quickly changed the song into a more happier song. I wished this moening curse will go on to someone else, I looked to my left and for the third time I SWORE I saw someone crawling in the corner of my eye. I literally slapped my head, trying to clear the image. I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed. The bus was filled with tired people-dozing off occasionally.
This was getting extremely irritating and creepy. I scrolled down on my ipod for a more pleasant song and stuck with a few to entertain me on the way to school. I never saw the figure again. I guess I must have been daydreaming again.
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010
No Coffee!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Question 1...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Baseball:Worst Sport I've Ever Played

I was picked last on teams, again. I was screaming for the ball but no one passed, again. Since it didnt seem to matter to anyone whether I was there or not, I talked to Violeta. It was my turn to bat and I swung the bat over my shoulder, kept my eyes focused. Whoosh! But no Clang. "Strike 1!" coach yelled.
I swung the bat over my shoulder once more after I rolled my eyes. Whoosh! Still no Clang. "Strike 2!", there was a whole bunch of muttering noises behind me. I groaned.
I focused once more, swung the bat over my shoulder. Come on! Third time lucky! I said to myself. Whoosh! Clang! Finally the stupid ball hit my bat. I ran to first, second, third base and made myself those home run thingies that you have when you go to base to base.
I was already sweating. Boy, I needed to get into shape.