But you can have tubs of ice cream for late Sunday nights, and it’s brain freezes, like multiple electric shocks.
You can have soft pink petals of the cherry blossom trees, falling like snow in Spring time.
You can see the world in your own eyes, and use a kaleidoscope of imagination to make it colorful.
You can have hope and the ability to dream, to help you wake up in the morning, even if its a Monday.
You can have the cries of the sea gulls, that aren’t so annoying anymore, relax you and make you drift away from the world.
You can have dreams, where no one can interfere, where you set sail on your own bed to entertain you in your sleep.
You can take a blank sheet of paper and fill it with words, words that can mean something.
You can have springs in your mattress to jump on for when your parents aren’t home to scold you.
You can hear the ocean through the sea shell, close your eyes, and feel the ocean at the tips of your fingers.
You can’t always please your parents, but you can soften their hearts by giving them the puppy eyes.
You can always have the one friend you don’t feel embarrassed around and where your finally yourself.
You can wish upon falling stars, 11:11’s, and good luck charms again and again.
You can have two luminous eyes of the cat staring at you early in the morning, saying “feed me.”
You can have those pair of sneakers that feel as one with your feet.
You can’t have gorgeous hair, but you can have hair spray and anti-frizz’s to tame them.
You can’t fly, but you can jump on a trampoline, higher and higher, willing your hands to touch the clouds.
You can have rain, buckets of rain, to dance, walk, and sing in.
You can’t always have the knight in shining armor, but you can fantasize of scenes in movies, of the kisses in the rain.
You can have adrenaline rushes when he catches your eye.
You can have friends who you can lean on, and best friends to do crazy things with.
You can’t always have the perfect, picture-perfect skin, but you can put on a winning smile to show you don’t care.
You can’t always have the long end of the wishing bone, or find a four-leaved clover, but you can have a choice to pick your freedom, your path, and what you can have.