Monday, September 6, 2010

Now I Know

What happens when someone you love is gone? I guess I wouldn't be angry. Its not like he purposely went away. I used to talk to my grandfather everyday. My dad was pretty stressed that week. He was always with grandpa, I begged to come all the time, so I can tell my grandfather my worries. But my dad says no. It happened when I was still really small. I was frustrated at my dad because he went to grandpa's house everyday, and I only got to speak to him once a week on the phone. I stopped taking grandpa's phone calls, just so he'd miss me at least a bit.

I finally take his call. He says he's going away. "With daddy?" I ask (Just so you know, I was still pretty small) He says he's going by himself. I wonder about insisting for more information. But i stop myself. "I'll see you next week, right grandpa?" He says maybe.

The idea of what he would say keeps popping up i my head. i knew that if I did find out, this nagging feeling will go away. I knew this strange idea would be gone...I ask one day to my dad "Why hasn't grandpa called? Why cant i visit him? Where is he? Whats wrong?" But my dad walks out the door tells me to go in the car and we finally drive to grandpa's house. I regret it, I should have insisted for more information, I didn't want to go in, i wanted to turn. But i walk into his room, and see my grandpa's face, barley visible, so pale like the papers in a book. There were plastic tubes everywhere. The curtains drawn. The bed sheets pulled up so high his mouth is almost covered. Then I break down. Knowing cant call him again. Knowing he wont make me hot chocolate and comfort me when my parents are having a fight.

We go home. Finally. "Now you know" my father says. I remember all the time lost where I was ignoring grandpa, or where I was too busy to go to his house. I cry into my pillow. And scream for god knows how long. The next day was the funeral.


  1. Oh my gosh. It sounds really tragic and hard to get over. I feel like I can somewhat relate to your story, but some parts I can't understand how it would feel. I really liked how you set the tone of the story in a tragic/sad state. However perhaps you could check the last paragraph and a little of the one before. Thank you for evoking sad feelings of my grandfather's death, I feel like I'm not alone now.

  2. I agree with Stephanie.
    I know how you feel, because when I was very little, the same happened to my grandpa. The story was very well written and it sounded really tragic.
    Great job!

  3. wow im so sorry. its pretty depresing, it must have been hard for you to see your grandpa that way. I liked how in the begging you didnt tell right away who you talking about, and how you described your feeling twords it.

  4. Wow you just blew me away I like the tone of it and its actually a good memoir and remember he is always going to be with you

  5. This story is too sad...D:
    You described the moment very well, you could of cut out some of the sadness but oh-well. GREAT STORY

  6. AWW i'm sorry Mari, Good story though...

  7. oh my god :( This is horrible you must have felt terrified. I feel sorry for you to find out in that way .. nice story but still is sad:(

  8. Beautifully written. Thanks for taking us on the journey with you.

  9. I thought your story was amazing Mari, the descriptions ard phrases were incredible. I can tell that you are a curious kind of person from the way you wrote it. Throwing ittle hints and things weaved into the writing. The depressed tone was so like real.


    Sorry for your grandpa :(

  10. Here's Mine :D

    <a href=">Last Day Of</a>

  11. I SOOOO agree with stephanie and I love your story Mari!!!!!!!!! It has such great feeling.

  12. thank youu! I'll look at your blog jaye :D
