Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Ordinary Day

Like every other Thursday; I woke up and got ready for school. Our bus was arriving late as always, I was tired and kept thinking today was Friday. I got to school, remembering I had to retake a test after school (Groan) but on the bright side, my dad was coming back from Miami and promised that he had presents (Cheers). I was really excited on seeing my dad again (mostly because he bought a new laptop for me) but because....well you know, he's been gone for a while.......not that I'm only excited for the presents or something... Anyways, school was boring as usual, some classes were okay, I suppose. But I was as tired as a nurse would be after working her shift. I knew I should'nt be tired; I promised myself I would stay up until my dad came home!
I already didnt have enough time to catch up on my sleep. I was almost going to fall asleep on my lunch when I remembered I was at school. I packed my lunch away and carried on with the rest of my day.
After school, I had begged my friend to stay with me because didnt want to be alone. I took my test again and went out of the building, 2 of my friends were with me. It was extremely boring and mainly; I had no one to hang out with. When our buses arrived, I was looking for my friend so hard I thought I might ask a teacher, but finally I saw her running up to me, looking tired and she ran into the bus, I realised I was late. I had to go into my bus.
I had such a tired day, that even now as i'm typing this, I still feel a load of weight on my back and I'm almost about to collapse on my desk, but I remember how much I want to see my "dad" and that's how you get eyebags!


  1. Man! What a rough day huh? Did you stay up until your dad came home? If I were you, I would've fallen asleep already. Nice story!

  2. TOTALLY FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!I'M ALWAYS SO TIRED!!!LOL!!!nice description and details!!!!
